
Our Team

Lifebox has a small, dynamic global team, that works with our network of partner clinicians to make surgery and anesthesia safer across the world.

COVID-19 Preparedness

Annals of Surgery: COVID-19 preparedness within the surgical, obstetric and anesthetic ecosystem in Sub Saharan Africa Lifebox and partners published an article on preparing the surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia ecosystem of Sub Saharan Africa for COVID-19 in Annals of Surgery in April 2020. As countries are facing second and third waves of infection, this article is still […]


The Global Governance Council oversees the Lifebox team and safer surgery vision

Annals of Surgery: COVID-19 preparedness within the surgical, obstetric and anesthetic ecosystem in Sub Saharan Africa

English article text: COVID-19 preparedness within the surgical, obstetric and anesthetic ecosystem in Sub Saharan Africa Community transmission of COVID-19 is already being reported in Africa (1). Most countries on the continent will have 10,000+ confirmed cases within the month (2). The population, while generally younger than in Europe and North America, has much higher […]


Lifebox Cookie Policy 1. Effective 1.1 This Cookies Policy describes the different types of cookies and similar technologies that may be applied by Lifebox and its Affiliates on their respective websites (each, a “Site” and collectively, the “Sites”). 1.2 We may change this Cookies Policy at any time in order to reflect, for example, changes […]

2022 Annual Report

2022 Lifebox Annual Report - ten years saving lives through safer surgery and anesthesia

Cheers to MSA – H.I.P. H.I.P. hooray!

The Mersey School of Anaesthesia is a stalwart supporter of Lifebox®, putting hands in pocket to raise more than £15,000 in personal contributions and core funds the last four years. We’re enormously grateful for the support – and pleased to pass the mic to Director Dr David Gray as he explains, in his own words, […]

Surgery and the Sustainable Development Goals

Improving access to safe surgical care is fundamental to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages"

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