What’s next for the Surgical Safety Checklist? Looking forward, what do we need to do to ensure safer surgery for patients around the world?

Reflecting on a decade of lessons learned from Checklist use in operating rooms near and far, three key recommendations emerged for supporting the uptake and use of the Checklist. These are especially important for broader uptake and optimal impact in low- and middle-income countries where safe surgery remains a luxury.




We need BUY-IN from local leaders at the hospitals and in the government, and from each surgical team, from surgeons to anesthetists to nurses and others.



We need to ADAPT the Checklist to local needs. This includes

  • translating it into different languages,
  • modifying steps to fit the local practices and resources, and
  • getting design and implementation feedback from users.



We need to FOLLOW UP WITH AND SUPPORT Checklist implementation, looking at top-down management level and bottom-up staff use.

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