Honoring Dr. Jannicke Mellin-Olsen: A global champion for safe anesthesia care

Lifebox is deeply saddened by the passing of Dr. Jannicke Mellin-Olsen—an extraordinary leader, a fierce advocate, and a true force for safe anesthesia worldwide. Her impact is immeasurable, and her legacy will be felt in operating rooms around the world for generations to come.

Dr. Mellin-Olsen dedicated her life to making anesthesia safer. As past president of the World Federation of Societies of Anesthesiologists (WFSA) and throughout her career, Dr. Mellin-Olsen fought to ensure that no patient died because they couldn’t access safe anesthesia care. She championed global standards, strengthened training programs, and advocated for surgical and anesthesia safety to be recognized as a global health priority.

A steadfast supporter of Lifebox, Dr. Mellin-Olsen championed our work—from improving pulse oximetry and capnography access to strengthening teamwork in the operating room. 

Her voice, her energy, and her impact will not be forgotten. Lifebox honors Dr. Mellin-Olsen’s extraordinary life and work, and we recommit ourselves to the mission she held so close to her heart: making every surgery safer, for every patient, everywhere.