
Find the stories, updates, and impact from Lifebox's global work making surgery and anesthesia safer.



Join us for Capno Week

Move over Shark Week, Capno Week is here. Join us to close the global capnography gap so that every anesthesia provider, no matter where they work, are equipped with a capnograph.

Meet Dr Someshwar Patange

Here we learn more about his mission – “safe anaesthesia equals safer surgery.” Can you talk about some of the challenges that anaesthesia providers face in delivering safe surgical care in your region? If you see today’s…

Lifebox News – July Edition

Last month we… Welcomed Mansi Tara to the Lifebox team – she’ll be leading our work in South Asia, with a particular focus on India. Interviewed Joon Yoo, our ServiceCorps fellow and second-newest Lifebox team member. Participated…

Mapping Our Impact

Over the last few months, I have been volunteering for Lifebox to map the distribution of their lifesaving piece of equipment – the pulse oximeter. Their new interactive map plots…

Mapping the world of safer surgery

But numbers at that scale are academic. What does 77,000 mean to the individual patient or anaesthesia provider? And more to the point: where in the world are there? Over the last six years, Lifebox has met thousands of…

A report from Corbis 2017

What is Corbis’s mission? Corbis Sussex is a student-faculty multidisciplinary group comprising individuals with global health interests based in Brighton. Our objective is to foster the growth of a cohesive, multi-disciplinary, global health community at the University of Sussex,…

Maternal health means safer surgery

The 2017 Maternal Health Campaign from Mediaplanet shares powerful perspectives on a devastating truth: that in many parts of the world, having a child remains one of the most dangerous things…

Meet Mansi!

And as Project Manager for the South Asia region, with a particular focus on India, she’ll bring her professional and personal experience to bear on some critical safer anaesthesia and surgery programmes. Here’s the plan! Welcome to Lifebox! Could you…

The Champion of Champions

He also single-handedly organised the first ever Lifebox workshop in India. And with his mantra of “Safe anaesthesia, Safe Surgery, Safe Patient” it’s hard to resist his enthusiasm and can-do attitude when it comes to all things…

India – The Next Step

From western India, to the east. Next on the itinerary was the north-eastern state of Bihar. As the traffic of the state’s capital – Patna – gave way to dirt roads and palm-studded countryside, the rugged beauty of Bihar was…

India – One Step at a Time

It seemed like fate that I landed in India exactly ten years to the day that I first arrived as a fresh-faced backpacker. One decade later, and hopefully a little wiser, I was back as part of my remit at…

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