
Find the stories, updates, and impact from Lifebox's global work making surgery and anesthesia safer.



Capnography action letter

Global health organizations partner to urge health care systems globally, to include a capnograph as an essential anesthesia monitor for safer surgery in a capnography action letter.

Communication with Lifebox and payment details

Lifebox will only ever communicate with you from an email address using the format [name]@lifebox.org.   Please check the sender’s address carefully if you receive unexpected emails or mailings purporting to be from Lifebox. You can also call us on…

Latest Make It Zero events

The 36th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants takes place on 21-24 April in San Antonio, Texas. Lifebox will be there – with brochures, banners and the Make It Zero video.

Old Friends and New

Monday morning we were happy to see our our old friend Dr Rebecca Jacob, newest president of the Indian Association of Pediatric Anesthesiologists, heading across the red carpet.  She brought along the WFSA paediatric committee to say…

Buenos Dias Buenos Aires!

Taking the subte from Catedral to Plaza Italia in Buenos Aires this week is an insiders game of ‘I spy.’ With the band I see a blue laynard! we hiss, subtle as neon, hopping out…

Lifebox is making it zero

We are launching a global campaign to close the global pulse oximetry gap, to Make It O®. Today, 77,000 operating rooms don’t have a pulse oximeter.  The aim of Make It Zero is to eliminate that number, beginning with a…

Roll out the Red Carpet

They kick up enough fuss about the Oscars and those things roll around every 12 months. Not invited to the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (c) Creative Commons At Lifebox we’re much more excited about the…

Our Health our Common Wealth

Did you know that a nursing unit manager in South Africa performs on average 36 different activities an hour? Multi-tasking may be a modern affliction, but for nurses – particularly those in low-resource settings – it is a life-saving skill. …

In memory

The late Dr Vincent James Hughes was a Canadian anesthesiologist who dedicated his professional life to improving anaesthesia care worldwide. He spent ten years working in the West Indies; ten as a physician-anesthesiologist in Zimbabwe, and ten back…


According to OK Links, the amount spent on healthcare per person per year in Tanzania would buy one cappuccino in the UK. Maybe you’re reading this blog while you have a cup of coffee.  Certainly the author…

Lifebox in the Solomon Islands

We are delighted to report that the 13 pulse oximeters donated by anaesthetists in New Zealand and Australia, have now arrived safely in the Solomon Islands. The Head of the Anaesthetic Department at the National Referral Hospital,…

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