
Find the stories, updates, and impact from Lifebox's global work making surgery and anesthesia safer.



Capnography action letter

Global health organizations partner to urge health care systems globally, to include a capnograph as an essential anesthesia monitor for safer surgery in a capnography action letter.

2011 annual review

Curious about what Lifebox has been up to in 2011?  Want to know more about how we work to improve surgical and anaesthesia safety around the world? Download our 2011 annual review to…

BMJ Christmas Appeal 2011

We are delighted – and incredibly honoured – that the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has chosen Lifebox for its 2011 Christmas campaign. The campaign launches on 3 December and will run to the…

Lifebox makes page 2!

Lifebox is top of the fold of Page2Anesthesiology today, the blog for the journal Anesthesiology. Editor Dr  J. Lance Lichtor asks readers to: ‘First, consider the ASA standards for basic anesthetic monitoring… Second, as…

They call it the Windy City…

Lifebox is standing a little taller this week – approximately 46,000 times taller!  That’s the size of the American Society of Anesthesiologists membership, and you might have seen from our website that this anaesthetic colossus recently launched…

Lifebox in the news down under

Lifebox trustee Dr Alan Merry was interviewed for the September issue of the ANZCA Bulletin.  Click here to read more.

Counting to save lives

In less than two minutes, Christine Nanyanzi can convince you that the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist is a vital tool for saving lives – and that its absence from the operating room can kill.

Canadian campaign for Lifebox

The International Education Foundation of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society has been working to develop the anesthesia specialty in Rwanda for many years. Now the Foundation is raising funds to support a pulse oximetry educational project in that country through Lifebox. The…

World Congress of Anaesthesiologists 2012

The World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA) takes place every four years and the 15th WCA will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 25–30 March 2012. Lifebox is currently planning our attendance at WCA. We look forward to meeting many of…

Lifebox at ASA

The Lifebox team will be at the upcoming American Society of Anesthesiologists’ annual meeting in Chicago from 15-19 October this year. Find us in the ASA Resource Center and at the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists’ booth in the exhibition hall. Our…

“What am I going to do?”

Philip Ongom’s  old pulse oximeter finally stopped working last February during an emergency caesarian section. Ask him about that moment and the anaesthetic officer, who has worked at a district hospital in Western Uganda for six years, remembers every detail with…

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