
Change we can believe in

Did you know that in 2006 the Rwandan government banned plastic bags in the capital city of Kigali? Today the grass, unpocked with litter, is buena vista green. Thanks to the civic and environmental efforts of the last few years, Kigali is one of the cleanest cities you could hope to visit. Another fact about […]

Lifebox grant winners

The funding means that we’re able to launch an ambitious project in Tanzania – making surgery and anaesthesia safer across the north of the country. Lifebox will be partnering with Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), a large referral hospital that lies in the foothills of the snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania. We have worked […]

Lifebox makes page 2!

Lifebox is top of the fold of Page2Anesthesiology today, the blog for the journal Anesthesiology. Editor Dr  J. Lance Lichtor asks readers to: ‘First, consider the ASA standards for basic anesthetic monitoring… Second, as an example, compare the GDP per capita in the United States ($47,200, according to a 2010 estimate) to Uganda ($1,300 in […]

Meet Joon!

What appealed to you about Lifebox, and why did you want to join the team? In my matching process with ServiceCorps, I was immediately attracted to Lifebox for two reasons. One, the highly focused mission of the organisation. Lifebox was born to address a specific, critical need. The clarity of mission removes the question of […]

Island surgery – a Q&A

Caroline Kilduff is a recent graduate from Barts and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry. She’s also a talented graphic designer, helping Lifebox with such visual feasts as our student toolkit, BMA volunteer poster and annual review! Back from her elective in the West Indies, in the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, we […]

Anesthesia Under Fire

Anesthesia under fire: experiences of providing patient care in Ukraine today

Online Learning

Our online learning platform - the Lifebox Learning Network - is an open access platform for healthcare providers with interactive courses on safer surgery and anesthesia.

New program to make surgery safer for children with cleft

What is Clean Cut for Cleft and how will it make surgery for children with cleft safer? Clean Cut for Cleft is a new program – launched today by Smile Train and Lifebox – to tackle one of the greatest risks to surgical patients: infection.