
Dr Rediet Shimeles – #BeBoldForChange

When you were growing up what did you want to be? When I was growing up I wanted to be doctor. Just like any child, I wanted to be doctor but didn’t know the reason, as time went by, my reasons got clearer and clearer. What motivated you to become an anaesthesiologist? I never planned […]

ASiT stands for safer surgery

ASiT is a longtime friend of Lifebox, committed to safer surgery on a global scale – with recent skills courses in Rwanda and some very exciting news about their upcoming annual congress. We’re delighted to confirm that ASiT is supporting our safer surgery work in Bournemouth this year, with a particular focus on the low-resource setting instrument […]

We Continue To Manage And Provide Safe Anesthesia For All

“I am Mubarak Mohamed, Head of Anesthesia at Edna Adan University Hospital in the capital city of Somaliland – Hargeisa. The number of COVID-19 cases nationally has dropped, but we are waiting for the second wave.


Improving anesthesia safety by equipping anesthesia providers with Smile Train-Lifebox Capnographs: A high quality, affordable capnograph suited for use in low-resource setting operating rooms

ASA launches campaign for Lifebox

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has launched a campaign to raise donations for Lifebox. The campaign will help us provide pulse oximetry for thousands of people undergoing surgery in low-resource settings. Visit the Global Humanitarian Outreach section of the ASA website for information on how you can support its campaign. You can also read more […]

The World We Want 2015

It’s a magnificent proposition.  Go on: design the world you want your children to grow up in. Just remember that you can’t choose their sex, their race, their long- or latitude.  And you don’t know their characters, their ideas, their – well, you don’t know anything about what they really want, do you?  You just […]

Medical students go #GlobalSurgeryDay

Medical students are the future of global surgery. Chronology, multiplied by epidemiology, to the power of social media – it’s a fierce equation that looks to balance the inequity in surgical and anaesthetic access, safety, participation and voice. Last month we saw the future in action, as Lifebox teamed up with the Medsin National Global Surgical Working Group […]

Vanderbilting bridges: Tennessee to Kenya

Watch the video on the VIA home page, which focuses on Vanderbilt’s relationship with the Kijabe Hospital, in Kenya.  Panning down crowded hospital corridors, the images are stark and the voices are shocked. “What do you do with a girl that needs a caesarean section?” VIA director Dr Mark Newton recalls asking a clinician at […]

2020 South University Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser for Lifebox

A sincere thank you to the students and faculty at South University for hosting another successful fundraiser for Lifebox! Our work is only possible because of our supporters – and around the world, lives are saved because of it. We are also thankful to the staff, sponsors, and donors for helping anesthesia providers receive the […]

Lifebox Students for Global Health – looking for new representatives

It’s an exciting opportunity for UK-based medical students, or students from other disciplines with a passion for global health, to develop their professional experience and leadership – while raising awareness of this critical, emerging field. Apply to be a Lifebox-SfGH representative by explaining why you would best fit the role in 250 words to [email protected] […]