

New study shows Lifebox’s Clean Cut reduces leading cause of mortality and morbidity Today, Lifebox announces significant results for reducing surgical site infections (SSIs) by nearly half in low-resource hospital systems. A new study published in the British Journal of Surgery reports the results of Clean Cut – a Lifebox program that engages surgical teams to address the causes of SSIs.

FDA-standard for the low-resource setting

The Lifebox oximeter meets USA Food and Drug Administration standards for accuracy, extensive tests show. “Accuracy of the Lifebox pulse oximeter during hypoxia in healthy volunteers,” published this month in the medical journal Anaesthesia, finds that the Lifebox model detects hypoxia at a degree of accuracy and bias that is comparable to the FDA-approved pulse […]

Global Surgery Team Work

An email pings in from Boston, USA – subject: Oximeter to India? As l read Lifebox chair and co-founder Atul Gawande’s editorial published in the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery I am reminded of this moment: our part in a global chain reaction sparked in  desperate response to the challenges faced by Dr Shrikant Jaiswal, […]

Global surgery at the UN

At Lifebox we’re proud to be part of the history of safer surgery and anaesthesia – and to be passionate advocates for its future. So we were delighted to join some of the movement’s strongest allies in New York this week, as Lifebox trustee Dr Alexander Hannenberg joined an expert panel at a United Nations […]

Dominican Republic Headlines!

Lifebox was selected as of the Nominet Trust’s 100 organisations using tech for good, and we know our way around social media. But there’s something special about seeing our name in fresh, inky, smudgeable print – particularly when the stories are so right on! In September we took part in a workshop in the Dominican Republic, all […]

The Things That Really Need To Be Done

“We’re here today to talk about surgery,” said Lord Bernard Ribeiro, vice chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Health, as he welcomed the audience to the Houses of Parliament yesterday.  “Not as a luxury, but as something that changes lives.” Past the policemen, across Westminster Hall and over the commemorative plaques […]

Old Friends and New

Monday morning we were happy to see our our old friend Dr Rebecca Jacob, newest president of the Indian Association of Pediatric Anesthesiologists, heading across the red carpet.  She brought along the WFSA paediatric committee to say hi (and give a high-drama demonstration of the oximeter!). They reminded us about how important it is to have a neonatal […]

A medico-maritime life for me

The MV Africa Mercy is the largest charitable hospital ship in the world, providing free surgical services (primarily facial reconstruction, benign tumor excision, cataract removal and child orthopaedics) to the African countries Mercy Ships visits on a rotating basis. A repurposed Danish passenger ferry, she took to the seas in 2007 after a very useful bridge built […]

Tanzania diary

We’re working with the Society of Anaesthesiologists of Tanzania (SATA), Life Support Foundation and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) to increase surgical safety for patients and anaesthesia providers in Tanzania. Dr Bronwyn Rae, reports from the front line of the upcoming SATA Second Annual Scientific Conference from 21st to 22nd May.  Day One […]

Education made beautiful!

We spoke to designer Brenda Roberts Costa, who runs digital creative agency Synchroma, about her experience bringing the Lifebox oximeter ‘how to’ to life. The video needed to translate technical concepts into simple visuals. How did you approach this complicated brief? Coming into this project with no previous knowledge of the Lifebox oximeter contributed significantly […]