
Making anesthesia safer in Benin

Professor Zoumenous tells us that today, no operation takes place in Benin without a pulse oximeter, and this is thanks to Lifebox.  

Meet Dr Someshwar Patange

Here we learn more about his mission – “safe anaesthesia equals safer surgery.” Can you talk about some of the challenges that anaesthesia providers face in delivering safe surgical care in your region? If you see today’s newspaper in India you will find a story: “Death of 36 children because of lack of oxygen in […]

A challenge prize for surgical equity

We asked Daniel Berman. Daniel’s the Lead of the Global Health Team at Nesta, charged with taking the brilliant idea of a Surgical Equity Prize and bringing it to life. Scroll down to learn more about the process of prize development, why now’s the time for a surgery prize, and how the Challenges of Our […]

Lifebox grant winners

The funding means that we’re able to launch an ambitious project in Tanzania – making surgery and anaesthesia safer across the north of the country. Lifebox will be partnering with Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC), a large referral hospital that lies in the foothills of the snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro in northern Tanzania. We have worked […]

Meet Dr Ed Fitzgerald

One thing we know here at Lifebox is that safe surgery means team work. Our small but mighty team is made up of colleagues from different backgrounds and specialities, all with a common goal to help make surgery safer worldwide. Introducing Dr Ed Fitzgerald: surgeon, health consultant and Lifebox honorary clinical advisor. We recently caught up […]

Lifebox Foundation supports the Technologies for Global Health Commission

The Lifebox Foundation, a global charity working to improve the safety of surgical care in low-resource settings, today welcomed the spotlight on the issue of environment-inappropriate medical equipment and restated its commitment to appropriate, effective technology. As a report released by the Technologies for Global Health Commission last week shows, much of the medical equipment […]

#SaferSurgeryIndia – Team Work

I started my very engaging and interesting trip to India from Hyderabad, a city in Telangana, where Lifebox donated pulse oximeters for the very first SAFE Paediatric course to take place in India. From Hyderabad I quickly moved onto Delhi, familiar territory for me, and took every opportunity to interact with the communities that are […]

Anesthesia Under Fire

Anesthesia under fire: experiences of providing patient care in Ukraine today