
Altitude sickness

This is a photo of Dr Nikhil Rastogi, director of undergraduate anesthesia at the Ottawa Hospital in Canada.  It was taken last year at Cotacachi Hospital in Ecuador, where Lifebox donated a pulse oximeter through Medical Ministry International. He seems quite healthy, but look at the Lifebox pulse oximeter (and the knowing smile) he’s wearing: 92% […]

What a difference a day makes

Dr Traudl Elsholz would be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed and overworked.  She’s one of only three medical anaesthetists in the entire country of Eritrea. That’s in addition to the 37 diploma nurses who have spent between 6 months and 2 years training in anaesthesia to meet the needs of 5 million people. “As you can […]

A favourite Lifebox story…

…begins once upon a time late summer of last year, at a hospital in Nigeria, when a very dynamic doctor placed an order to purchase 75 pulse oximeters and 75 spare probes. And this is what happened next. We sent the doctor an invoice, the hospital made a bank transfer, and less than 48 hours later […]

India National Surgical Forum

It’s called ‘global surgery’ because there’s not a single health system in the world that can support a healthy population without providing surgical care; but that doesn’t mean there’s a one size fits all solution. Different countries have different needs – different approaches – and different groups championing routes to the same conclusion: that access […]

How a little teamwork can make a tangible impact to patient safety

How I came to be involved in Clean Cut I arrived on the ground in Ethiopia with Lifebox last summer to a program that was clicking and running in full force. The Clean Cut program, with support from the Federal and Regional Ministries of Health in Ethiopia and our initial partners from the GE Foundation […]

Education made beautiful!

We spoke to designer Brenda Roberts Costa, who runs digital creative agency Synchroma, about her experience bringing the Lifebox oximeter ‘how to’ to life. The video needed to translate technical concepts into simple visuals. How did you approach this complicated brief? Coming into this project with no previous knowledge of the Lifebox oximeter contributed significantly […]

Safe OR Course

Safe OR is a multi-disciplinary, interactive course on the essentials of safe surgical care, emphasizing the importance of human factors and non-technical skills in surgery

Checklist Strategies Workshop

The Lifebox Checklist Strategies workshop is a a multi-disciplinary workshop that supports surgical teams to improve use of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist

But it could be so much more

“We have a couple of monitors from the US.  Lovely, lovely multi-parameter monitors – but they only work with a battery.  And they didn’t send the battery.” “People send things with the best of intentions, but they’re not thinking about where these things are going to be used,” explained Dr Eva Manciles-Robert, when she visited […]

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