
Roll out the Red Carpet

They kick up enough fuss about the Oscars and those things roll around every 12 months. At Lifebox we’re much more excited about the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA), which takes place on an exclusive four-year basis. And suddenly WCA 2012, hosted this time in Buenos Aires, Argentina, is less than a week away! The congress, […]

Opportunities and barriers in pediatric pulse oximetry for pneumonia in low-resource clinical settings: a qualitative evaluation from Malawi and Bangladesh

This study found that pulse oximetry was generally deemed valuable by health care providers (HCPs) for use as a spot-check device in a range of pediatric low-income clinical settings. Areas highlighted a challenges by HCPs, and therefore opportunities for redesign, included battery charging and durability, probe fit and sensitivity in pediatric populations. Authors: Carina King, […]

Developing Process Maps as a Tool for a Surgical Infection Prevention Quality Improvement Initiative in Resource-Constrained Settings

In this study, enumerating the steps involved in surgical infection prevention using a process mapping technique helped identify opportunities for improving adherence and plotting contextually relevant solutions, resulting in superior compliance with antiseptic standards. Simplifying these process maps into an adaptable tool could be a powerful strategy for improving safe surgery delivery in low- and […]

Medical students go #GlobalSurgeryDay

Medical students are the future of global surgery. Chronology, multiplied by epidemiology, to the power of social media – it’s a fierce equation that looks to balance the inequity in surgical and anaesthetic access, safety, participation and voice. Last month we saw the future in action, as Lifebox teamed up with the Medsin National Global Surgical Working Group […]

Vanderbilting bridges: Tennessee to Kenya

Watch the video on the VIA home page, which focuses on Vanderbilt’s relationship with the Kijabe Hospital, in Kenya.  Panning down crowded hospital corridors, the images are stark and the voices are shocked. “What do you do with a girl that needs a caesarean section?” VIA director Dr Mark Newton recalls asking a clinician at […]

The Long and Winding Road (to surgical safety)

If you can’t get to hospital, you can’t get an emergency caesarian section, or life-saving surgery after a road traffic accident.  If supplies or engineers can’t reach the hospital, drugs will run out and equipment will break.  Healthcare providers are forced to make terrible choices between treatment and unsafe care: “I am a junior anesthesiology […]

Ukrainian colleagues lead the way for safer anaesthesia

Many thanks to safe anaesthesia champion Dr Kateryna Belka, who helped organise a Lifebox stand for the congress exhibition, delivered a pulse oximetry workshop, and hosted a screening of The Checklist Effect. We caught up with her recently and this is what we learned. Last month the Ukrainian Society of Anaesthesiologists held its Annual Congress, […]

One Year On as Global CEO of Lifebox:

A dozen countries and hundreds of meetings later, I am more enthusiastic than ever about Lifebox’s work and the global movement in safe surgery and anesthesia that we are part of. As I reflect on the past year and kick off a regular blog feature for our website, I wanted to highlight five of the […]