
Ben Parsons, Lifebox Fellow 2016

What was your first experience of anesthesia in a low-resource setting? I spent two months in the Solomon Islands, at the end of medical school. It was totally eye-opening because I’d done all my training around the South East of England. Suddenly here I was on a tropical island, very little in the way of […]

Meet Dr Someshwar Patange

Here we learn more about his mission – “safe anaesthesia equals safer surgery.” Can you talk about some of the challenges that anaesthesia providers face in delivering safe surgical care in your region? If you see today’s newspaper in India you will find a story: “Death of 36 children because of lack of oxygen in […]

Lifebox in Bhutan

Thanks to our MAKE IT 0® partners, we’re able to send equipment and training far and wide! Bhutan may be a long way from the office, but colleagues at the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA) are a lot closer – and they’re working with us to support safer surgery and anaesthesia across the country.   Check out the most […]

Lifebox Interviews Partners on COVID-19: Dr. Mary Nabukenya

Dr. Mary Nabukenya is lecturer at Makerere University College of Health Sciences, and works as an anesthesiologist at Mulago National Referral Hospital in Uganda. She has helped to lead many perioperative safety training courses for anesthesia providers throughout the country. She spoke with Lifebox trustee, co-founder, and fellow anesthesiologist Dr. Isabeau Walker about the status […]

Lifebox Foundation supports the Technologies for Global Health Commission

The Lifebox Foundation, a global charity working to improve the safety of surgical care in low-resource settings, today welcomed the spotlight on the issue of environment-inappropriate medical equipment and restated its commitment to appropriate, effective technology. As a report released by the Technologies for Global Health Commission last week shows, much of the medical equipment […]

#SaferSurgeryIndia – Team Work

I started my very engaging and interesting trip to India from Hyderabad, a city in Telangana, where Lifebox donated pulse oximeters for the very first SAFE Paediatric course to take place in India. From Hyderabad I quickly moved onto Delhi, familiar territory for me, and took every opportunity to interact with the communities that are […]

Anesthesia Under Fire

Anesthesia under fire: experiences of providing patient care in Ukraine today