
Can you tell a WHO Checklist story?

Lifebox Foundation and the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist: Share Your Story The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist makes surgery safer – but you’re the ones who save lives. Do you have a story that shows the human side of the Checklist? As part of Lifebox’s work to support surgical safety worldwide, we’re collecting personal stories that show […]

Urgent recruitment: Lifebox Fellowship, Tanzania

The Fellowship will involve developing and delivering a sustainable and high-impact QI project in collaboration with local colleagues, in addition to taking part in delivery of anaesthesia care. Upon completion of the Fellowship, you can expect to have completed the ‘Anaesthesia in developing countries’ and ‘Improvement Science, Safe and Reliable Systems’ units within the RCOA […]

And So It Begins: Lifebox in India

Access to healthcare is limited by a lack of resources and staff with only 0.7 physicians and 1.1 nurses per 1,000 population. Of its 15,500 operating rooms, over 7,000 lack pulse oximetry – leaving millions of people to undergo surgery at great risk. So it will come as no surprise that India is a key […]


Boston holds a special place in our hearts as our co-founders Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, along with so many of our council members and supporters are based there. So we’re looking forward to catching up with our colleagues leading the way for safer global anaesthesia and surgery. As […]

Why instruments?

You just came back from a second scoping trip to Cambodia. What was the most memorable experience of the visit for you? Probably realising the frustrations of those working in government hospitals in Cambodia mirrored those in Ethiopia. The Ministry of Health often dictates what medical equipment can be bought and from whom, but its not […]

They call him the “Checklist Advocate”

But he’s at home on a mountain bike, powering up one of Namibia’s seven giant hills. He’s at home in the kitchen with his family, while his daughter asks questions about tomato-chopping techniques. And he’s at home in the Operating Room, where he works by turns as both surgeon and anaesthesia provider. He’s also one […]

Minimum Specifications for a Lifebox Surgical Headlight for Resource-Constrained Settings

Safe surgery requires reliable, high-quality lighting. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), electricity outages are disruptive, dangerous, and ubiquitous. Inadequate surgical lighting due to inconsistent or poor illumination results in delays and cancellations of surgery, as well as patient harm. In LMICs, surgical headlights are unaffordable, lack in-country suppliers, and are unsuitably designed for austere […]

FDA-standard for the low-resource setting

The Lifebox oximeter meets USA Food and Drug Administration standards for accuracy, extensive tests show. “Accuracy of the Lifebox pulse oximeter during hypoxia in healthy volunteers,” published this month in the medical journal Anaesthesia, finds that the Lifebox model detects hypoxia at a degree of accuracy and bias that is comparable to the FDA-approved pulse […]

Meet our new Global COO

Next month Lifebox UK Executive Director Kristine Stave becomes our Global Chief Operating Officer. Kristine joined Lifebox in 2011, after several years working in Patient Safety at the World Health Organization. Time for a re-introduction… You joined Lifebox before it even officially had a name. What drew you from WHO to such a new initiative? […]

Advancing safety for cleft patients

My name is Belinda Karimi and I am a clinical nurse at the Agakhan Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, and a trainer for the Team CLEFT workshop – a professional working group of multidisciplinary health professionals, including surgeons, anesthesiologists, and nurses. I didn’t always want to be a nurse. I had early aspirations in journalism, but […]