
Capnography Action Letter

An action letter to sign to call for the inclusion of Capnography as Essential Anesthesia Monitoring Equipment

Lifebox 2022 Annual Report

The 2022 annual report covers Lifebox's work improving anesthesia safety, surgical teamwork, and infection reduction


Construire une coalition pour la canographie : il est temps de combler le fossé mondial de la capnographie

The Unsung Heroes in Surgical Safety

Ahead of International Nurses Day, it is crucial to spotlight the critical role of operating room nurses in ensuring surgical safety. Nurses are the backbone of successful surgical outcomes; they blend compassion and clinical expertise, managing every aspect of patient care from preoperative to recovery, making them the true unsung heroes in the OR. Today, […]

Join us for Capno Week

Move over Shark Week, Capno Week is here. Join us to close the global capnography gap so that every anesthesia provider, no matter where they work, are equipped with a capnograph.

Lifebox Welcomes Three New Global Governance Council Members

Founded in 2011 by four leading global health organizations and chaired by Dr. Atul Gawande, the organization utilizes tools, training, and partnerships to help improve the delivery of safe surgery globally. Lifebox’s flagship program developed a low-cost and low-resource-adapted pulse oximeter for monitoring patients during anesthesia and has now put the Lifebox pulse oximeter in […]

Lifebox Devices Enquiry Page

Lifebox medical devices provide solutions to gaps in the safe provision of safe surgery and anesthesia in low-resource setting operating rooms