
Altitude sickness

This is a photo of Dr Nikhil Rastogi, director of undergraduate anesthesia at the Ottawa Hospital in Canada.  It was taken last year at Cotacachi Hospital in Ecuador, where Lifebox donated a pulse oximeter through Medical Ministry International. He seems quite healthy, but look at the Lifebox pulse oximeter (and the knowing smile) he’s wearing: 92% […]

A favourite Lifebox story…

…begins once upon a time late summer of last year, at a hospital in Nigeria, when a very dynamic doctor placed an order to purchase 75 pulse oximeters and 75 spare probes. And this is what happened next. We sent the doctor an invoice, the hospital made a bank transfer, and less than 48 hours later […]

Ready, Set, Cycle!

If you pay attention to the Lifebox latest news, you’ll recall that this oximeter and this car share a birthday as well as a favourite colour. What better reason do you need for a cycle! This Sunday, we’ll be cheering on our friends as they zip up their London to Brighton for Lifebox shirts and […]

The World We Want 2015

It’s a magnificent proposition.  Go on: design the world you want your children to grow up in. Just remember that you can’t choose their sex, their race, their long- or latitude.  And you don’t know their characters, their ideas, their – well, you don’t know anything about what they really want, do you?  You just […]

Chibuzo Ijeoma – PAWAS

Why is surgery such an important aspect of women’s health? Surgery is a broad area of specialization that cuts across race, tribe and gender. But the impact of the surgical revolution on the outcome of breast cancer – the most common female cancer – has been priceless. Breast conservation has reduced negative body image issues, […]

2020 South University Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser for Lifebox

A sincere thank you to the students and faculty at South University for hosting another successful fundraiser for Lifebox! Our work is only possible because of our supporters – and around the world, lives are saved because of it. We are also thankful to the staff, sponsors, and donors for helping anesthesia providers receive the […]

Lifebox Students for Global Health – looking for new representatives

It’s an exciting opportunity for UK-based medical students, or students from other disciplines with a passion for global health, to develop their professional experience and leadership – while raising awareness of this critical, emerging field. Apply to be a Lifebox-SfGH representative by explaining why you would best fit the role in 250 words to [email protected] […]

Meet Dr Rediet Shimeles

Throughout her career she’s worked tirelessly to provide safer anaesthesia care for patients in her community, and to support colleagues at Black Lion Hospital through delivering essential training. And she’s just getting started… Why did you choose to become an anaesthetist? I didn’t choose to be an anaesthetist – I didn’t want to be!  I […]

Welcoming Professor Maswime to the Lifebox Board

Lifebox welcomes obstetrician and gynecologist, Professor Salome Maswime, to its Global Governance Council We are excited to announce the appointment of Professor Salome Maswime to our Global Governance Council. Professor Maswime is a Professor and Head of the Global Surgery Division at the University of Cape Town, and an obstetrician and gynecologist. Professor Maswime is […]