
Safer anaesthesia stories

She asked them – what difference have Lifebox oximeters made in rural areas? “I went to a very small hospital, in a rural area in Lagos, and I spoke to the head surgeon and he brought out a Lifebox…” Dr Sarah Beckley, Senior Registrar, Lagos State “It helped us because we run a maternity outreach, […]

Capnography action letter

Global health organizations partner to urge health care systems globally, to include a capnograph as an essential anesthesia monitor for safer surgery in a capnography action letter.

Miriam Mutebi – PAWAS

Why is surgery such an important aspect of women’s health? Some of the top causes of premature death of women in Africa are maternal deaths and cancer related deaths largely from breast and cervical cancers. Many of these causes are amenable to surgical intervention and treatment if detected early. Though surgery is an essential part […]

Visit to Ethiopia

Dr Isabeau Walker, consultant anaesthetist at Great Ormond Street Hospital London, just returned from a visit with Chain of Hope to the Children’s Heart Hospital and the Black Lion Hospital in Addis Ababa. Here is her account of the visit: “I have just returned from a visit to the Children’s Heart Hospital in Addis Ababa, […]

A Presidential COSECSA conversation

The risk is high: an invisible threat to patients who’ve given everything they’ve got to get to a hospital, reversing the life-saving work of surgical teams striving to save them. Our Clean Cut programme, piloting in Ethiopia, aims to develop simple and scalable inventions that use training, monitoring and evaluation to make surgery safer. We […]

Children’s Heart Hospital

“I have just returned from a visit to the Children’s Heart Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with the charity Chain of Hope, two organizations dedicated to helping children with congenital heart disease in low-income countries. Chain of Hope has introduced the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist as a quality standard for all their missions, and we […]

Can you tell a WHO Checklist story?

Lifebox Foundation and the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist: Share Your Story The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist makes surgery safer – but you’re the ones who save lives. Do you have a story that shows the human side of the Checklist? As part of Lifebox’s work to support surgical safety worldwide, we’re collecting personal stories that show […]


Lifebox® and ESA in Uzbekistan: safer anaesthesia training workshop Lifebox® Foundation is proud to be working in partnership with the European Society of Anaesthesia (ESA) and the Uzbekistan Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (USAIC) to increase surgical safety for patients and anaesthesia providers in Uzbekistan. Thanks to ESA’s generous donation, 100 pulse oximeters will […]

East in the desert

Robert is the director of Diamedica, a manufacturer of anaesthesia equipment fit for purpose in low-resource settings.  He recently returned from Chad, in central Africa, where he took a Lifebox pulse oximeter to leave alongside the Glostavent anaesthesia machine he went to install. He sent us an update after his return: A few hours by […]