
I left my heart…

…in San Francisco, where the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) held their annual conference this year. “How beautiful!” everyone back home told you. But you probably spent most of your time here: Never mind the early starts… …we  had a great time! But then, we had the best seat in the house – a beautiful booth […]

Anaesthesia training in Uganda

Lifebox colleagues spent two weeks in Uganda from 26 June 2011, providing training on obstetrics, safe anaesthesia and the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist. A number of workshops were delivered at Mbarara University of Science and Technology under the direction of the Uganda Society of Anaesthesia. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and lreland donated 80 Lifebox […]

THET – Instagram vacation!

  Lifebox and THET both have long histories of partnership work in Zambia – alongside local and international colleagues, with support from the Ministry of Health, to assist anaesthesia providers across the country with essential equipment and education. Since 2012, we’ve trained more than 80% of all Clinical Officer Anaesthetists in Zambia – bringing safer practice to approximately 60% of the […]

Lifebox est en route pour le Maroc!

N’hésitez pas à venir à notre rencontre sur le stand Lifebox ou vous sera présenté notre action globale ainsi que l’équipement Lifebox accompagné du matériel pédagogique. Vous trouverez ici une page de présentation succincte et nous espérons que nos amis francophones apprécieront un de nos derniers développement qui est la vidéo d’utilisation de l’oxymètre Lifebox. […]

Lifebox News – January edition

Last month we… Introduced our new global CEO, Kris Torgeson. Kris is a former Secreatry General of MSF International, and we’re excited to start work with her this month. See her in action by February. Get to know her in this insightful interview. Brought our brilliant Lifebox Masterclass Series to London for the first time […]

Cycling Surgeons: a high-profile adventure in support of a life-saving initiative

How do you get from Glasgow to London? This September, leading paediatric ENT surgeons are  crossing the country the hard way.  They’re putting down the scalpel and swapping scrubs for lycra, cycling hundreds of miles over hill and dale and hill in aid of Lifebox. They’re raising funds for pulse oximeters and training desperately needed […]

International Women’s Day

This year, the theme of International Women’s Day is ‘Make it happen.’  We think the same could be said of safer surgery – and we’re excited to have the opportunity to bring the two together! In 2014 our MAKE IT 0® campaign for IWD cause a stir in print and online, showing the complexity and personal cost […]

Sweet sweet music

At this tuneful time of year we’ve got a soundtrack to suit every pair of ears with an interest in making surgery safer. Musical medic Suman Biswas, who first made his name with Amateur Transplants, has a new album coming out. Each sale includes a donation to Lifebox – as well as a new take […]

International Women’s Day

This year, the theme of International Women’s Day is ‘Make it happen.’  We think the same could be said of safer surgery – and we’re excited to have the opportunity to bring the two together! In 2014 our MAKE IT 0® campaign for IWD cause a stir in print and online, showing the complexity and personal cost […]

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