
Tanzania, safe surgery with safe anaesthesia

Lifebox has a long history of working with colleagues across Tanzania: from supporting anaesthesia providers with essential equipment to collaborating with international and local partners such as the Society of Anaesthesiologists of Tanzania (SATA) in delivering training workshops. So we are delighted to share the interview below with German doctor, Daniela Kietzmann who works as […]

The future of safer surgery and anaesthesia

You’re an active member of the InciSioN advocacy team, and the student global surgery movement. Why is it important for doctors of the future to be involved? Global surgery to me means improving timely access to safe, quality and affordable surgical care for everyone, irrespective of age, status, ethnicity, nationality or race. Five billion people […]

Welcoming Dr. Alex Haynes to Lifebox’s Board of Trustees

Lifebox: Why was it important at this time for Lifebox and Ariadne Labs to initiate Checking In On the Checklist? With the Checklist being over ten years old, what were you looking to achieve? Alex Haynes: Reflecting on ten years of Checklist uptake around the world, we realized there was a lot to understand about […]

Miriam Mutebi – PAWAS

Why is surgery such an important aspect of women’s health? Some of the top causes of premature death of women in Africa are maternal deaths and cancer related deaths largely from breast and cervical cancers. Many of these causes are amenable to surgical intervention and treatment if detected early. Though surgery is an essential part […]

How a little teamwork can make a tangible impact to patient safety

How I came to be involved in Clean Cut I arrived on the ground in Ethiopia with Lifebox last summer to a program that was clicking and running in full force. The Clean Cut program, with support from the Federal and Regional Ministries of Health in Ethiopia and our initial partners from the GE Foundation […]

Safer Surgery

Nine out of every ten people in the regions where Lifebox works cannot access basic surgical care. Surgical and anesthesia care are integral components of a health system, with a third of the global burden of disease requiring surgery.

Contact Us

Get in touch with the global nonprofit Lifebox. Lifebox makes surgery and anesthesia safer worldwide. Contact the Lifebox team here.


At Lifebox, we are driven by data to inform and shape our work. An evidence-based approach is how we build our programs and monitor their impact, to keep learning and improving.