
Our Work

Lifebox saves lives through safer surgery and anesthesia by investing in tools, training, and partnerships.

Latest Make It Zero events

The 36th Annual Conference of the American Academy of Anesthesiologist Assistants takes place on 21-24 April in San Antonio, Texas. Lifebox will be there – with brochures, banners and the Make It Zero video. Also coming up shortly, the Oklahoma Association of Nurse Anesthetists Spring Educational Conference on 21-22 April.

The Checklist Effect

A safe operation is more than a series of clinical steps done right. Every day, our colleagues around the world share stories of extraordinary teamwork to save a life.

Get Involved

If you’re looking to join our community and make a difference in patient safety, this page will give you all the tools you need to get started with your own fundraising for Lifebox.

Pulse Oximetry

A pulse oximeter is an essential piece of monitoring equipment that keeps patients safe during surgery. Lifebox has distributed 35,000 pulse oximeters worldwide

Lifebox Interviews Partners on COVID-19: Dr. Katherine Chu

[0:32] Tom: Why don’t you start by telling us who you are, what you do and where you work and a little bit about how we got to know each other. Kat: Sure, so my name is Katherine Chu, I am from the US originally, when I trained there as a general and colorectal surgeon […]

CLEAN-CS: An Overview

CheckList Expansion for Antisepsis and iNfection Control in Cesarean Section – CLEAN-CS: Surgical Site infection (SSI) is a common and devastating complication of surgery, and infection rates are particularly high in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Cesarean section (CS) is the most commonly performed major operation in the world and patients are at risk from complications, including SSI. Lifebox’s […]

The Lifebox Pulse Oximeter

Lifebox has distributed 35,000 pulse oximeters to healthcare providers alongside training to improve anesthesia safety worldwide

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