
Bridging the Gap: Pulse Oximetry and Safer Anesthesia

leading anesthesia providers from across the world shared their experiences on issues relating to pulse oximetry impact in anesthesia care, remaining gaps in oximetry access and identified priorities for safe anesthesia care going forward – including the issue of pulse oximetry accuracy in darker skin tones.

A few questions for our new CEO

Kris is passionate about humanitarian action, with a career spanning New York, Geneva, Monrovia and beyond. She saw the scale of the global surgery and anaesthesia crisis – and the critical need to address it – long before she knew Lifebox, and we’re utterly delighted that she’ll be leading the team. Time to get to […]

Welcoming Dr. Alex Haynes to Lifebox’s Board of Trustees

Lifebox: Why was it important at this time for Lifebox and Ariadne Labs to initiate Checking In On the Checklist? With the Checklist being over ten years old, what were you looking to achieve? Alex Haynes: Reflecting on ten years of Checklist uptake around the world, we realized there was a lot to understand about […]

Ray Towey is –

In 2010 we sent him our first pulse oximeter. Lifebox wasn’t even Lifebox back then – it was the Global Pulse Oximetry Project, fresh from a worldwide tendering process led by WHO and the WFSA for an ideal monitor to thrive in low-resource settings. We were perched on a desk in a third floor room […]

The ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge 2021

Get raising funds for safer anesthesia and surgery worlwide with the ASA Resident Challenge for Lifebox. Resident programs all over the United States compete to fundraise for Lifebox. An appointed resident leader can visit the campaign website and sign up their team to begin building a custom landing page.

The future of safer surgery and anaesthesia

You’re an active member of the InciSioN advocacy team, and the student global surgery movement. Why is it important for doctors of the future to be involved? Global surgery to me means improving timely access to safe, quality and affordable surgical care for everyone, irrespective of age, status, ethnicity, nationality or race. Five billion people […]


In June, Lifebox had a chance meeting in Boston with the Namibia based Dr Leonard Kabongo. We learnt pretty quickly that when he’s involved, stuff gets done…and quickly. Just six weeks later, I was on a plane heading to the capital of Namibia, Windhoek, to launch our safer surgery work. The word ‘Namib’ comes from […]