
Why instruments?

You just came back from a second scoping trip to Cambodia. What was the most memorable experience of the visit for you? Probably realising the frustrations of those working in government hospitals in Cambodia mirrored those in Ethiopia. The Ministry of Health often dictates what medical equipment can be bought and from whom, but its not […]

The Power of Pulse Oximetry

Road traffic accidents. Congenital heart defects. Maternal mortality. Pneumonia. This is the permafrost of public health, killing tens of millions of people worldwide each year. But there’s a singular piece of medical equipment increasingly recognised as critical in the resistance. It enhances treatments and reduces deaths from each of these conditions, and it’s called a pulse oximeter. […]

Serious questions and serious answers – #BMJLifebox week two

The best thing about introductions are the questions you get back in return – after all, the surgical safety crisis is going to improve through dialogue, not monologue! – and when they have a question, the readership of the British Medical Journal is certainly not afraid to ask. During last year’s appeal for Lifebox, we got some […]

Target 80

Well, in the 18 months since we got this global pulse oximetry gap in our sights and set out to Make It 0, we’ve knocked more than 3000 off the target!  Thanks to the generosity of Lifebox donors and the dedication of our colleagues worldwide, the number of operating rooms without access to a single pulse […]

Lifebox News – February Edition

Last month we… Longform Lifeboxed in a beautiful feature about our work in Mongolia and India, as part of Mosaic Science’s Great Ideas series.  It features smart innovations that changed and saved lives around the globe, and  our story was even picked up by The Atlantic Magazine and The Independent Hung out behind the scenes […]

10 years of Checklist in the British Journal of Surgery

In the leading article of this month’s British Journal of Surgery, Dr Tom Weiser and Dr Alex Haynes, authors of the landmark Checklist pilot study, explore how this seemingly-simple piece of paper has been proven to reduce surgical related deaths by 40% and cut complications down by a third, when used correctly by the whole […]

And So It Begins: Lifebox in India

Access to healthcare is limited by a lack of resources and staff with only 0.7 physicians and 1.1 nurses per 1,000 population. Of its 15,500 operating rooms, over 7,000 lack pulse oximetry – leaving millions of people to undergo surgery at great risk. So it will come as no surprise that India is a key […]

New Lancet Article on Extent of Deaths from Unsafe Surgery Released

In a letter to The Lancet entitled Global burden of postoperative death, researchers from the University of Birmingham have provided new data on the extent of deaths around the world from unsafe surgery, with more than half occurring in low and middle income countries (LMICs). With 313 million surgical procedures performed worldwide each year, global surgery […]