
Lifebox 2022 Annual Report

The 2022 annual report covers Lifebox's work improving anesthesia safety, surgical teamwork, and infection reduction

Sustainable Results for Tackling Surgical Infection

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: ADDIS ABABA/LONDON/NEW YORK: November 3, 2021 – Safe surgery non-profit Lifebox announced today results on the lasting impact of its surgical infection reduction program, Clean Cut. Published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Surgery, “Sustainability of a Surgical Quality Improvement Program at Hospitals in Ethiopia” details the results of […]

Riddle me this:

What do you call an operation that saves two lives at once? A caesarean section. No need to be witty when you’re one of the greatest surgical priorities for healthcare in low-resource settings.  An emergency c-section is the most common major procedure in Sub-Saharan Africa: in Rwanda, for example, 2011 saw more than 38,000 urgently undertaken, as […]

Thank you to Masimo and Teleflex

Lifebox welcomes industry support to the ESA Lifebox Campaign: Masimo and Teleflex make a generous contribution and a clear commitment to safer anaesthesia for all Safe anaesthesia is fundamental to safe surgery – but a global gap in access to pulse oximetry puts safe anaesthesia and surgery out of reach for millions worldwide. The European […]

Dr Sandra de Izquierdo – #BeBoldForChange

When you were growing up what did you want to be? I wanted to be a medical doctor. What motivated you to become an anaesthetist? When I was a medical student in 5th grade I started to go to the OR, and in every procedure I always wondered what the anaesthetist was doing with the […]

Anesthesia Residents in Boston Rise to the Challenge!

The arrival of September here in New England brings with it a chill in the morning air, a switch from drinking iced coffee to a hot pumpkin spiced latte, and fresh pies with lots of whipped cream, although not necessarily for eating… I had the pleasure of attending Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Department of […]

Lifebox Interviews Partners on COVID-19: Dr. Someshwar Patange

Dr. Patange is a consultant anesthesiologist in Nanded, Maharashtra, India, and responded to our request for COVID-19 information in his community with the following note and photos.   “I am Dr. Someshwar Patange, a consultant anesthesiologist working in Nanded city, Maharashtra, India. I have been working with Lifebox since 2016. Together, we have conducted many […]

Back to Chicago for ANESTHESIOLOGY 2016

And here we are! Delighted to announce that Lifebox is returning to the Windy City for ANESTHESIOLOGY 2016 later this month. We’ve been around the world and back (several times!) since our last visit, with safer anaesthesia workshops in more than 100 countries, and 10 million patient lives made safer through our programmes. American Society of Anesthesiologists […]

The humanity in humanitarian

But what else could they do?  It’s the 20th anniversary of the Rwandan Genocide, when MSF concluded that “you can’t stop genocide with doctors.”   The current situation in Central African Republic (CAR), Syria and Somalia is devastating, with MSF losing colleagues and in some cases having to pull back for the first time in 22 years. […]

ASA launches campaign for Lifebox

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has launched a campaign to raise donations for Lifebox. The campaign will help us provide pulse oximetry for thousands of people undergoing surgery in low-resource settings. Visit the Global Humanitarian Outreach section of the ASA website for information on how you can support its campaign. You can also read more […]