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Pulse Oximetry

A pulse oximeter is an essential piece of monitoring equipment that keeps patients safe during surgery. Lifebox has distributed 35,000 pulse oximeters worldwide

Minimum Specifications for a Lifebox Surgical Headlight for Resource-Constrained Settings

Safe surgery requires reliable, high-quality lighting. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), electricity outages are disruptive, dangerous, and ubiquitous. Inadequate surgical lighting due to inconsistent or poor illumination results in delays and cancellations of surgery, as well as patient harm. In LMICs, surgical headlights are unaffordable, lack in-country suppliers, and are unsuitably designed for austere […]

CLEAN-CS: An Overview

CheckList Expansion for Antisepsis and iNfection Control in Cesarean Section – CLEAN-CS: Surgical Site infection (SSI) is a common and devastating complication of surgery, and infection rates are particularly high in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Cesarean section (CS) is the most commonly performed major operation in the world and patients are at risk from complications, including SSI. Lifebox’s […]

The Lifebox Pulse Oximeter

Lifebox has distributed 35,000 pulse oximeters to healthcare providers alongside training to improve anesthesia safety worldwide

Ray Towey is –

In 2010 we sent him our first pulse oximeter. Lifebox wasn’t even Lifebox back then – it was the Global Pulse Oximetry Project, fresh from a worldwide tendering process led by WHO and the WFSA for an ideal monitor to thrive in low-resource settings. We were perched on a desk in a third floor room […]

Lifebox Fellowships

Fellowship opportunities with Lifebox to be part of our global team working to make surgery and anesthesia safer.

COVID Response

Lifebox Global COVID-19 response supports healthcare providers respond to the pandemic with tools and strategies for safe surgical, anesthesia, and COVID-19 care, including training, PPE, and pulse oximetry distribution.

Pulse Oximeter Use in COVID-19

Pulse oximeters are a critical tool in patient triage and clinical decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as ongoing COVID-19 care. During the pandemic, Lifebox distributed more than 8,000 pulse oximeters for COVID-19 patient management.