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The Lifebox Pulse Oximeter

Lifebox has distributed 35,000 pulse oximeters to healthcare providers alongside training to improve anesthesia safety worldwide

PPE Best Practice and Guidelines

Healthcare workers can be placed at risk in the workplace through exposure to viral and bacterial pathogens. The mission of Lifebox – to improve surgical safety – extends to the safety of healthcare workers caring for patients in clinical care areas, as well as performing surgical instrument decontamination and materials reprocessing. A key element of healthcare […]

Land of the Free

But the civil wars of the 1980s and 90s wrecked lives and infrastructure.  The school of anaesthesia in the capital Monrovia closed down, and the one in Phebe was always on the retreat to ‘safer areas.’  Training halted and many anaesthetists were amongst those killed. Today there are just 22 nurse anaesthetists for a population […]

The ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge Featured in ASA Monitor

In an article in  the ASA Monitor,  Dr. Brian Vaughan, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Charitable Foundation Board Member and the 2022 University of Cincinnati team captain, reflects on the impact of the ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge and why participants should join. Read the full article here. The ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge is an annual peer-to-peer fundraiser […]

Online Smile Train-Lifebox Capnography Course

This free online interactive course covers the fundamentals of capnography in five modules: Introduction to capnography Physiology of carbon dioxide Using your capnograph Case studies Care and use of your capnograph Users receive a certificate upon completion of the course. Average course duration is 45 minutes. The course is available for free on the Lifebox Learning […]

The power of Fellowship

How did the operating room teams manage with only one pulse oximeter between them? It was a question of who had the sickest patient. Staring at the schedule you’d say, “Who’s in the ICU?” or, “We’ve got a really sick baby we’re about to take into surgery.” Every day robbing Peter to pay Paul. The […]

Smile Train-Lifebox Capnograph

The Smile Train-Lifebox Capnograph: an affordable, high quality device suited for use in low-resource settings

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