
Better partners for safer anaesthesia

The AAAC brings together anaesthesia providers from across the continent, and partners from around the world. But what makes a valuable partnership, and what are some concrete steps international groups can take to be most supportive in the next three years? We asked three incredible champions for safe anaesthesia – Dr Mwemezi Kaino, Head of […]


Lifebox is a global nonprofit that saves lives through safer surgery and anesthesia. We invest in tools, training, and partnerships to make surgery safer - for every patient, every time.

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Pulse Oximetry: Self-learning Course

The Lifebox Pulse Oximetry: self-learning course is an interactive online course for healthcare providers to learn more about pulse oximetry and how it can be used to improve patient care

Niger diary

We’re working with the Nigerian National Society of Anaesthesiology (NNSA), the Nigerien Ministry of Public Health and the Flatley Foundation to bring safer surgery and anaesthesia to every government hospital in the country. Follow along, with our reports from the front line… DAY SIX Just me! Faye, Cheik and Svetlana left either last night or […]

A challenge prize for surgical equity

We asked Daniel Berman. Daniel’s the Lead of the Global Health Team at Nesta, charged with taking the brilliant idea of a Surgical Equity Prize and bringing it to life. Scroll down to learn more about the process of prize development, why now’s the time for a surgery prize, and how the Challenges of Our […]

Lifebox Interviews Partners on COVID-19: Dr. Susane Nabulindo

Dr. Faye Evans is an anesthesiologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. As a Lifebox board member and member of Smile Train’s Medical Advisory Board, Dr. Evans has worked with anesthesia providers all over the world on safety and training programs. On March 30, 2020, Dr. Evans spoke with her long-time colleague and collaborator Dr. Susan Nabulindo, […]

Welcoming Dr. Alex Haynes to Lifebox’s Board of Trustees

Lifebox: Why was it important at this time for Lifebox and Ariadne Labs to initiate Checking In On the Checklist? With the Checklist being over ten years old, what were you looking to achieve? Alex Haynes: Reflecting on ten years of Checklist uptake around the world, we realized there was a lot to understand about […]


FACT SHEET DESIGN INFO VIDEOS MEDIA ADVISORY  PRESS RELEASE Pneumonia is the leading infectious cause of death in children under five, killing almost 1 million worldwide each year. Hypoxemia (low blood oxygen level) is a critical factor in diagnosis, making pulse oximetry a vital tool in early treatment. Access to pulse oximetry at the community and healthcare facility level informs hospital […]