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Medical students go #GlobalSurgeryDay

Medical students are the future of global surgery. Chronology, multiplied by epidemiology, to the power of social media – it’s a fierce equation that looks to balance the inequity in surgical and anaesthetic access, safety, participation and voice. Last month we saw the future in action, as Lifebox teamed up with the Medsin National Global Surgical Working Group […]

Partnerships in PNG

Michael is a senior anaesthetist at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and St George Hospital, Kogarah, in Sydney. He’s also Chair of the Overseas Aid Committee for ANZCA, serves on the Overseas Development and Education Committee in the ASA, Chair of the Paediatric Committee of the WFSA, and adjunct Professor of Anaesthesiology at the University […]

What a difference a day makes

Dr Traudl Elsholz would be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed and overworked.  She’s one of only three medical anaesthetists in the entire country of Eritrea. That’s in addition to the 37 diploma nurses who have spent between 6 months and 2 years training in anaesthesia to meet the needs of 5 million people. “As you can […]


Mark your calendars!  A busy week for safer surgery in Armenia, starting Sunday as the ‘Safety in Surgery and Updates of Obstetric Anaesthesia’ conference comes to Yerevan. The Armenian Society of Anaesthesiologists and Intensive Care Specialists (ASAICS) is joined by Kybele, Inc in the capital city, for refresher training with all eyes on a safer […]

India – The Next Step

From western India, to the east. Next on the itinerary was the north-eastern state of Bihar. As the traffic of the state’s capital – Patna – gave way to dirt roads and palm-studded countryside, the rugged beauty of Bihar was breathtaking. But eighty-nine percent of Bihar’s 104 million people live in rural areas, and health […]

Got any bright ideas?

At 8:30 a.m. on a Saturday morning?  After a long journey to London from Leeds/Cardiff/Newcastle/St. Andrews?  About my – sorry, have I got this right – my innovative solutions for implementing universal health coverage? Got any coffee? Maybe that’s what you’d say, you older people with your groggy eyes and your cynical morning breath.  Medsin members […]

Join us for Capno Week

Move over Shark Week, Capno Week is here. Join us to close the global capnography gap so that every anesthesia provider, no matter where they work, are equipped with a capnograph.

The future of safer surgery and anaesthesia

You’re an active member of the InciSioN advocacy team, and the student global surgery movement. Why is it important for doctors of the future to be involved? Global surgery to me means improving timely access to safe, quality and affordable surgical care for everyone, irrespective of age, status, ethnicity, nationality or race. Five billion people […]