
The Unsung Heroes in Surgical Safety

Ahead of International Nurses Day, it is crucial to spotlight the critical role of operating room nurses in ensuring surgical safety. Nurses are the backbone of successful surgical outcomes; they blend compassion and clinical expertise, managing every aspect of patient care from preoperative to recovery, making them the true unsung heroes in the OR. Today, […]

Lifebox announces first Global CEO

Kris is a former Secretary General of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) International based in Switzerland where she led an extensive governance reform process, while ensuring coordination of all facets of MSF’s worldwide humanitarian operations. Following nearly fifteen years with MSF, including a field deployment as part of MSF’s Ebola response team in Liberia, […]

ASiT stands for safer surgery

ASiT is a longtime friend of Lifebox, committed to safer surgery on a global scale – with recent skills courses in Rwanda and some very exciting news about their upcoming annual congress. We’re delighted to confirm that ASiT is supporting our safer surgery work in Bournemouth this year, with a particular focus on the low-resource setting instrument […]

Time flies – day 1 in Tanzania

It’s Friday 10th of February and for the first time this year I didn’t wake up in Bristol to a cold, dark world of dustbin men and frozen windscreens. Instead I woke up to the sound of the mosque at 5am, to dogs barking outside my window, and to unfamiliar birdsong. If thousands of miles […]


The Lifebox Leadership team provides strategic leadership to the global Lifebox team.

The ASA-Lifebox Resident Challenge 2021

Get raising funds for safer anesthesia and surgery worlwide with the ASA Resident Challenge for Lifebox. Resident programs all over the United States compete to fundraise for Lifebox. An appointed resident leader can visit the campaign website and sign up their team to begin building a custom landing page.

Nurse Anesthesia Cook Off

The Nurse Anesthesia Cook Off Competition for Lifebox raising funds for safer anesthesia

They call him the “Checklist Advocate”

But he’s at home on a mountain bike, powering up one of Namibia’s seven giant hills. He’s at home in the kitchen with his family, while his daughter asks questions about tomato-chopping techniques. And he’s at home in the Operating Room, where he works by turns as both surgeon and anaesthesia provider. He’s also one […]

#SaferSurgeryIndia – Team Work

I started my very engaging and interesting trip to India from Hyderabad, a city in Telangana, where Lifebox donated pulse oximeters for the very first SAFE Paediatric course to take place in India. From Hyderabad I quickly moved onto Delhi, familiar territory for me, and took every opportunity to interact with the communities that are […]