Find Lifebox resources for perioperative professionals - including publications, our online learning courses, and Lifebox workshop materials

Online Smile Train-Lifebox Capnography Course
A free online course on the fundamentals of capnography

Scalability and Sustainability of a Surgical Infection Prevention Program in Low-Income Environments
Clean Cut results, published in JAMA Surgery, achieve a 34% relative risk reduction of surgical site infection

Clean Cut (adaptive, multimodal surgical infection prevention program) for low-resource settings: a prospective quality improvement study
This study showed that Lifebox's Clean Cut program improved infection prevention standards to reduce SSI without infrastructure expenses or resource investments.

Evaluation of an adaptive, multimodal intervention to reduce postoperative infections following cesarean delivery in Ethiopia: study protocol of the CLEAN-CS cluster-randomized stepped wedge interventional trial
This protocol describes the CheckList Expansion for Antisepsis and iNfection Control in Cesarean Section (CLEAN-CS) trial evaluating our program's ability to reduce infections following CS and other obstetric and gynecological operations in Ethiopia.

COVID-19 Surgical Patient Checklist Workshop
A multidisciplinary workshop for surgical teams to reduce the risk of infection through use of the COVID-19 Surgical Patient Checklist

Checklist Strategies Workshop
A multi-disciplinary workshop that supports surgical teams to improve use of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist

Safe OR Course
A multi-disciplinary and highly interactive course on the essentials of safe surgical care, emphasizing the importance of human factors and non-technical skills in surgery

Lifebox Pulse Oximetry Workshop
The Lifebox pulse oximetry workshop teaches the basic concepts behind oxygen delivery and the causes of hypoxia, and provides guidance managing hypoxia and using a pulse oximeter

UV-C Decontamination of N95 Masks: self-learning module
This online module explains how to use a UV-C chamber to safely decontaminate N95 masks.

Descontaminação UV-C de Máscaras N95: módulo de autoaprendizagem
Este módulo explica como usar uma câmara UV-C para descontaminar máscaras N95 com segurança. Ele é destinado ao uso por funcionários em instalações envolvidas em projetos-piloto de UV-C.

Descontaminación UV-C de Mascarillas N95: módulo de autoaprendizaje
Este módulo explica cómo utilizar una cámara UV-C para descontaminar de forma segura las mascarillas N95.

Prevención y control de infecciones perioperatorias: módulos de autoaprendizaje
Estos módulos se centran en los protocolos a seguir para seis prácticas clave de prevención y control de infecciones perioperatorias.

Perioperative Infection Prevention and Control: self-learning modules
These modules focus on the protocols to follow for six key perioperative infection prevention and control practices.